Bible Options for Career-Minded Moms: Personal Preference

So much of purchasing a new Bible is based on personal preference. It’s the God-breathed scripture that matters most for all of us, but it’s the small, personal details of a Bible that can help tailor an experience. To be clear, these little details don’t actually matter and the Lord can speak whenever, however and to whomever He wants, but since Bibles can come with all sorts of bells and whistles, it can be helpful to understand what they are before you make a purchase. And, if they encourage you or your family members to pick up the Bible just a little bit more, great! Here are just a few items I like to consider when looking for a new Bible:

Design – This may seem like it’s not a big deal, and in reality, it shouldn’t be…but we’re all suckers for pretty things! If something is ugly and poorly designed, we’re a lot less likely to use it. Consider buying something with design that draws you in – a pretty cover, colors you enjoy, design work that draws your eye.

Hard/Soft Cover – This feature may or may not matter to you, but if it does, consider it. Leather is a great option if you want soft, but durable. You can also get it engraved.

Book Marker – Many Bibles have a built-in book marker to hold your place. I have one Bible with that feature and love it because I never have to find the nearest box of Kleenex, scrap of paper, or use a pen to mark my spot.

Print Size – Bibles can be tough to read for older adults or those with vision impairment. Large print Bibles are available in nearly every translation, although they don’t always have the additional study features. This one seems like a great blend of both…plus there are a few color options.

Colors - If you want your Bible pre-highlighted, check out the Rainbow Study Bible. I don’t have one of these, but want one!

Concordance/Index/Glossary/Cross-references - These optional sections can be found at the back of most study Bibles and are incredibly helpful for many reasons. If you’re new to the Bible, consider purchasing one with a topical index so that if you want to read about a certain subject like generosity or joy or love, it’s easy to look up verses that speak to those things.

Apps – Apps are a great option, particularly if you travel a lot or are often on the go. I use a Bible app frequently out of sheer convenience but don’t want to replace my hard copy with a digital version entirely. I think there’s so much value in sitting down with a Bible in your hands, flipping the pages and noting what God’s saying through print. But I don’t speak for everyone, and to each their own. There are also Bibles like this one that offer additional digital assets, so that may be worth checking out too.

Need more guidance on Bibles? Check out our previous posts on translations and style + layout!


WRAL: Meet this Mom: Allie Roepe


Bible Options for Career-Minded Moms: Style and Layout