In the News:

April 2024

The Power of In-Person Meetups

Listen as Kasie Purvis interviews Stephanie Llorente on her podcast, Gather the Scattered, as they talk about the community of career minded moms she leads.

Gather the Scattered Podcast / Listen Here

June 2023

Movers & Shakers

They say success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out — whether you’re striving for a degree, teaching high schoolers, opening a small business, managing a successful blog, or simply showing up for yourself every single day. This year’s group of Movers and Shakers — all accomplished young professionals — share what they have achieved, one step (and page) at a time.

Cary Magazine / Read Full Article

May/June 2023

Restored Hosts Event for Career-Minded Mothers

Restored for Moms, a faith-based community for career-minded mothers, hosted Profresh Refresh March 2 at Blush Cowork in Cary. The event welcomed 40 women from across the Triangle, who enjoyed presentations and conversations related to personal style, on and off-camera makeup, LinkedIn profiles and workplace communication. Attendees formed personal and professional connections in a welcoming atmosphere that recognizes the unique position of career-minded mothers. Blush Cowork, located at 201 Shannon Oaks Circle in Cary, is a space specifically focused on helping females achieve their personal goals.

5 West Magazine / Read Full Article - page 14/15

February 2023

When success equals failure

I’m not one for inspirational speech. I don’t like TED talks. I don’t post motivational quotes around my office. I don’t want to conquer the world after listening to Tony Robins. It’s not that I’m unmotivated. Quite the contrary. I just find motivation elsewhere.

Even so, I was completely blown away when I randomly stumbled upon a 2014 Dartmouth commencement address given by Shonda Rhimes, creator of Grey’s Anatomy and so many other shows that have shaped primetime television. In her speech (see 17:30 mark) she addressed a question I get asked fairly frequently: How do you do it all?

WRAL / Read Full Article

February 2022

Exploring Life & Business with Stephanie Llorente

Today we’d like to introduce you to Stephanie Llorente. Hi Stephanie, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories. I began my career in public relations right after graduation from N.C. State University (Go Pack!!). I worked for agencies and in corporate America before starting my own consultancy called Prep Communications in 2015.

VoyageRaleigh / Read Full Article

August 2021

Trying to have it all? It doesn't have to happen all at once

From the time girls are small, we’re told we can have it all. What that means is different for each of us.

The “you can have it all” mentality isn’t bad, or wrong. Quite the contrary. It’s good and beneficial. It gives girls something to strive for, and it tells us we can achieve great things at home and at work. Unfortunately, it leaves no room for life’s seasonality and implies that women should have it all at the same time, which can be a stress-inducing reality that leaves women with limited time to enjoy and appreciate what they have achieved.

WRAL Go Ask Mom / Read Full Article

August 2021

Building Community for Working Moms

Stephanie is the mom brain behind Restored, a community that purposefully equips working moms for life at home and at work. She also runs a public relations consultancy business - she is both a powerhouse and a gracious woman of God. You will love this episode!

WineCourage Podcast / Listen

March 2021

Chatting with Restored

Join me as I chat with some amazing working mom who make up a small part of Restored, a group for working moms who are not only there to support each other, but feed their souls.

Chats From the Blog Cabin /  Listen

March 2021

Meet Stephanie Llorente

Hey guys how are you handling this crisis that the world is facing? I know you think it is a little silly to promote women during this time, but we all need something positive to hold onto right? Each one of these women that have been interviewed for this series have had struggles to overcome. I think we can all learn something from them as we read their stories. I had originally scheduled you to meet Stephanie Llorente next week but after reading her answers, I knew I had to introduce her to you sooner rather than later. Keep reading to find out why I moved Stephanie’s profile up by a week. Remember all these women featured have had to overcome some kind of struggle in their life that we can all learn from.

Adventures of Frugal Mom / Read Full Article

November 2020

Mom Help!

Therapist Julie Bullock presents navigational skills for moms-turned-teachers. Stephanie Llorente, owner of Restored, organizes direction on all things mom, and for ALL moms, single, stay-at-home and working moms.

Triangle 411 Podcast / Listen

November 2020

Meet Raleigh Mom Stephanie Llorente

Happy Monday! We are bringing you another mompreneur in the local Raleigh area this week. Meet Raleigh Mom Stephanie Llorente, founder of Restored, a faith-based organization for working moms to connect outside of work. If you haven’t attended a Restored event, you’re missing out! Check out their upcoming events and be sure to follow along with them. Check out our interview with Stephanie below!

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in town?

I live with my family in Holly Springs, but every time I meet someone from out of state and tell them I’m a North Carolina native (from Clayton), they look at me like – and sometimes tell me that – I’m the unicorn they’ve been searching for. Our state is growing, and we’re proud to be part of it! I claim it’s the BBQ and sweet tea that keep me here. 

South Wake Raleigh Moms / Read Full Article

October 2020

Managing Expectations, Eliminating Guilt

With kids at home for more than six months and uncertainty about jobs, our health and so much more, parents are going through a lot as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Chief among those concerns, for many, is their kids' education.

Julie Bullock sees it at a personal level and a professional one. She and her husband are raising two girls, ages 6 and 3, in Clayton. And, for about 10 years, she's worked as a child and family therapist for Growing Child Pediatrics, a Duke Health practice.

Bullock will be speaking at two events for working moms this week — one in-person at a coffee shop in Holly Springs with limited capacity and the other virtual — about the stress parents are facing right now with schooling and how to navigate it. The events are organized by Restored, a local community for working moms.

WRAL Go Ask Mom / Read Full Article

October 2019

We’re Looking for a Better Way

“But this is the way we’ve always done it.” 

Have you ever been on the receiving end of those words? I have. And that phrase rang in my ears like nails on a chalk board. Those eight words struck me as wrong, stale and almost unjust. 

I now know I hated those words because of my entrepreneurial spirit. It goes against who I am to use “we’ve always done it this way” as justifiable reasoning. And, if you’re a business owner, you likely know exactly what I mean!

Vend Raleigh/Read Full Article

February 2019

Area businesses team up to give moms a night off

Lisa Wherle is a mother of two young and active boys.

"I love being a mom," she said as one of her boys jumped in front of her looking for attention. " I just love the fun and the opportunity, and that, right there."

She also works full time at Duke University. Like a lot working moms she is very busy and has very little time to do things for herself. That's why she is excited to hear about a night out designed for working moms this Friday in Raleigh called the Gallentine's Social

WRAL-TV / Read Full Article

June 2018

Confessions of a Working Mom

As working moms everywhere execute the delicate balancing act of wife, mother, employee, sister, daughter, volunteer, taxi driver, coach, disciplinarian, encourager, nurse, and so much more, there is an insatiable desire to truly be all things to all people. Here’s the thing: it’s impossible.

Raleigh Moms Blog / Read Full Article

May 2016

Balancing Act

How do we balance our calling to be top-notch mothers with the desire to contribute meaningful work outside of the home?

Here’s the scoop. In evaluating the significance of our desire to “be all things to all people,” try inversing that phrase: we can be something to few people…significant people, people that matter in our lives.

Sunset Living Magazine