Day-to-Day Motherhood: Finding Rest in Rhythm of Jesus

I lie in bed at night, exhausted. Instead of falling into a deep, restful sleep, I find myself replaying every mistake and worrying about my decisions. Even after completing all the tasks on my to-do list, I still struggle with feelings of failure and regret. I constantly worry about whether I've let my kids down somehow. This is not the life of flourishing the Lord wants for us.

Being a mother is exhausting. From sleepless nights with an infant to helping teens navigate puberty, a mother's work never ends. Since becoming a mom, I've never been more tired. There's always something to do and never enough time, whether you're a working mom or a stay-at-home mom. Moms are worn out physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally and we need deep rest for our souls. How do we find deep rest when our lives are so hectic and chaotic?

Finding True Rest in Jesus

We can only find true rest in Christ. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Only Jesus can offer true, deep rest for our weary souls.

However, Jesus doesn't promise to remove all our hardships when we become yoked to him. When we take on the yoke of Christ, we no longer look to culture or perfectionism as our standard; we look to Jesus. We find deep relief from our endless efforts when we stop thinking everything depends on us and give him control. His yoke is easy and light because he carries our burdens for us.

Finding Rhythms of Rest

How do busy moms find time for rest? Not the type of rest where you stroll around Target for an hour with a cup of coffee. While I do recommend trips to Target without your kids, that’s not the type of rest that revives your spirit. True rest is found in Jesus, but we must be intentional about finding time to sit at his feet and receive it.

The Rhythm of Prayer

Take a few minutes of your day to talk to God, inviting Him into your daily life. Being a mother is a tough job; sometimes, all you need is a moment of peace and a simple prayer to help you keep calm and carry on. Turn to prayer in times of stress, worry, or exhaustion. God will give you wisdom, comfort, and peace.

Dear Lord,

I come to you today, humble and exhausted, and ask that you carry my burdens. I pray for strength and patience in raising my child and for the grace to be renewed in my role as a mother. Help me to remember that I am not alone, and that you are with me to guide and strengthen me.
— A Prayer for Tired Mothers

The Rhythm of Scripture

Finding time each day to read and meditate on Scripture can be difficult. It doesn't have to take too much of your time. Take 15 minutes to read a few verses of the Bible, a short devotional, or listen to a Christian podcast. Cultivate a daily rhythm of connecting with God through his Word. When we're overwhelmed and don't know what to do, we can find comfort in the Word of God and speak it over our lives. The direction of our days changes when we speak God's truth over our lives.

But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

The Rhythm of Sabbath

The fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy," (Exodus 20:8) applies to everyone, including mothers. Rest is found in a person, not in a place or circumstance. Christ offers rest to those who are weary, and we enter into that rest through faith in his work. The Sabbath was made for our benefit and joy.

A few ways to build in rhythms of Sabbath in the midst of motherhood include:

  • Eat together. Sit down and eat a meal together without the urge to rush off and do other things.

  • Play together. Set aside time to play together. Find a game or activity to do that everyone will enjoy.

  • Rest together. After another week of hard work, plan a family day of rest where everyone can spend time together distraction-free.

Resources for Finding Rhythms of Rest

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

"Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life."

Our lives aren't meant for constant busyness. The modern world pushes us to always be on the edge of what's new, but our emotional and spiritual well-being thrives in a simpler, slower way of life. This book presents why and how you need to slow down in this busy, chaotic life.


Tired of Being Tired

The cycle of starting the day exhausted and ending it defeated can be broken. Bestselling author Jess Connolly offers practical strategies for finding realistic rest and experiencing the abundant life God intended for you.


Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith's book "Sacred Rest" explores seven types of rest that are often lacking in people's lives and explains how a deficiency in any one of these types of rest can negatively impact health, happiness, relationships, creativity and productivity. The book combines scientific research with personal stories, spiritual insight and practical advice to encourage people to embrace rest without guilt or shame.


Sleep Classes, Workshops and Resources from Loving Lessons

Are you a parent of a child who struggles with sleep? Certified sleep expert Irene Gouge of Loving Lessons will review your family’s sleep scenario, create a healthy and consistent action plan, and monitor and assist your progress. She offers sleep coaching, sleep classes and workshops.


Don’t Mom Alone Podcast - 209

Which Type of Rest Do You Need with Saundra Dalton-Smith

Don’t Mom Alone Podcast - 189

Rest for the Exhausted Mom with September McCarthy

Jessica Lieb

Jessica has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips. Jessica is also an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips.

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