Recap: Esther Bible Study
A few of the gals on our final night of the Esther Bible study.
Wow. I’ve studied the Bible for a long time, so I know that the Word is powerful, life-giving and transformative. But, I somehow got through 30-something years of life without understanding Esther’s impact on the world - and on women - as we know it today.
There’s NO WAY a short blog post can give you the entire scoop on Esther and the why behind her actions. Instead, what I want to do is share with you how and why it’s important for you to read Esther, understand it and model her behavior. You see, Esther was basically a contestant on The Bachelor: Persia many, many years ago. She earned every rose and charmed the king without even trying. On her overnight date, she took nothing to impress him. She simply earned his trust and the trust of those around her. And the king was smitten.
The bad guy in the story is Haman (boooo). He’s effectively an ancient Hitler and does all he can to feed his own jealousy, pride and insecurities - so much so that he plans for a the annihilation of the Jewish people. Surprise: Esther is Jewish and the king didn't know…neither did Haman, actually.
Esther was faced with a defining moment: speak up or don’t. At that time in history, speaking up wasn’t exactly a common option for women - even queens. To speak up was to risk her position, her reputation and her life. But to stay quiet? That risked even more. It assured the death of an entire nation at at the hand of Haman. So, despite her fear, despite her young age, despite her comfort level, despite her inexperience as a queen, she spoke. But she spoke with intention, authority, God’s perfect timing - and with respect.
And it’s what each of us have the power to do, too. Studying Esther reminded me that speaking just to speak is almost always fruitless. It lessens impact. it adds to noise. And it wastes time. But speaking up with guidance from the Lord, speaking with wise counsel guiding your words and speaking after patiently waiting for the proper time…those are the moments God uses most..
Esther risked everything to save her people - and save them, she did. But it wasn’t easy. Most meaningful actions rarely are. She was so impactful that, thousands of years later, our Jewish friends still celebrate Esther’s (and Mordeccai’s) accomplishments today at Purim. And do you know why? Because she asked them to. Wow, right? I doubt anyone will be doing anything I say in 10 years, let alone 2,000!
Esther was one young, brave woman who influenced a nation, saved countless lives and chose to make her requests out of humble respect rather than prideful demands. How will you engage with the world today, friend? Be an Esther. Be brave and bold. But lean into God’s timing, humility and respectful nature along the way. It can make all the difference.
If you want to be part of our next inductive Bible study, we WELCOME YOU to do that! We’ll announce what’s up next very soon on our events page. Hope to see you there!