Put on Your Armor, Ladies


If you’re looking for a good Bible study to do over the summer, I’ve found one: The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer…and I’m begging you to please check it out because it is GOOD!

If you’ve been around church for any length of time, then you know that the Church teaches a lot about God’s love. We learn about his mercy. His great sacrifice. His provision. We also learn about our sin. We begin to understand how imperfect we are and how necessary a savior is for an imperfect person to be in relationship with a perfect God. This is vital, important teaching to put into perspective who God is and why we need Jesus.

What we sometimes miss when we sit in church each Sunday (or attend virtually these days!), is that God is a mighty warrior. He fights for us. He’s on our side. He wins battles – and dominates a war. As women, we don’t often think of ourselves as warriors (at least, I don’t). But, The Armor of God study points out that we’re called to fight alongside God, which is hard to do when we know very little about the enemy we’re fighting. 

How can we strategize to win battles with the Lord if we know nothing about our attacker? How can we become His warriors if we put on no armor to defend ourselves? This study helps answer all of that!

The entire study is based on Ephesians 6:10-19 and breaks down Satan’s motives, most used strategies, and gives great credence to the power of prayer in the defense and ultimate defeat of the enemy. This study shines a light in the dark places and calls out to generations of women to take up their arms and wage war against a known enemy for our marriages, for our kids, for our work, for our friendships and for our faith. 

God is fighting for us. But let’s not forget that there is also another fighting for our attention, adoration and affection – and his calling card is deception. 

I’m tossing on my armor, mom friends. It would be my honor to help you strap on yours and fight by your side.


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