Spiral Bible Review

I get asked pretty frequently to review products on the Restored blog. Usually, I decline because the product isn’t good enough, genuine enough or personal enough for me to justify the time or effort. The last thing I want is to peddle irrelevant content to the time-strapped moms who trust the Restored brand.

Enter Spiral Bible.

A few weeks ago, an email from their corporate team caught my attention. I knew nothing of the brand, but a Bible that I can take notes in? Hmmmm. Interesting. That hits the nail on the head in all the ways.

And so, I said yes.

The company kindly shipped a free New Testament Bible to me, and I used it to study 1 Timothy with my Bible study. You can read my very honest thoughts below, but the general recap is that this is a wonderful resource for reading scripture and note taking. I expect to see big things from this company as they grow, and I’m hopeful the feedback below will be helpful for your life as a busy, faith-wielding mama…

Things I Love

  • Versatility – The Word of God is now spiral-bound, so it’s easy to flip to and fro. Bend it backwards without worrying about ruining the spine. I popped it into my briefcase and a large purse easily when running out the door for Bible study.

  • Notes Sections – There are spaces on each page for readers to capture thoughts, ideas and takeaways as the Spirit leads. One feature I particularly like is the full notes page at the beginning of each chapter. I used (and filled entirely) this lined page to capture historical context notes.

  • Cover Art – I once bought a Bible for a graphic designer friend solely because it had a beautiful design inside and out. Spiral Bible offers a few cute cover options that allow readers to select something that fits them best.

  • Mark-Up Options – I grew up in a church that taught me to respect the Bible. As a kid, that meant I couldn’t put a Bible on the floor, and I dare not put a mark in it. I know now that it’s OK to write in your Bible…but something in my psyche still tells me not to. That said, I felt exactly zero guilt marking in this because the pages aren’t paper thin like a traditional Bible. They feel like real notebook paper – slightly thicker. It was like I was in class and taking notes in a very appropriate way.

  • Kid-Friendly Option – The company offers a spiral-bound option (Genesis and Exodus only) that includes interior art kids can splash with color. Bible meets coloring book…what a great way to help young kids engage!

  • Affordability – There is nothing priced over $50 and the website, and you can often catch sales and discounted options by joining their email list. I received several 20% off emails.

  • Diverse Text Options – I appreciate that they offer a large print option for those with vision impairments.

Hopes for the Future

  • Translation – As of today, Spiral Bible is available in King James Version (KJV) or American Standard Version (ASV). I opted for ASV. To me, these versions can be more difficult to understand since it’s full of “thees” and “thous” – not a bad thing – just not how we speak in modern day language. I asked about different versions, and it seems like the company is making progress toward other translations. And, to be fair, there are lots of copyright laws to navigate when reprinting certain works, so I get it.

  • Durability – The front and back cover are made from a thick cardstock. It’s thicker than a standard 5-Star branded notebook, but will deteriorate over time. That may be OK, because if you’re using it frequently, you may run out of space for notes at the same time the cover wears down. I haven’t had mine long enough to know.

  • Adult Art – I almost ordered myself a Spiral Bible for Kids solely because of the coloring option. I would love to see illustrations incorporated into the adult version in some capacity – but not a necessity.

  • Study Notes – At times, I found myself needing to break out a study Bible to use in conjunction with the Spiral Bible. There are no extras with this product. No study notes, historical maps, explanation of characters, book summaries, etc. Again, I feel like that’s OK because the differentiators (to me) are the notes sections and spine versatility.

Overall, I’m really pleased with the product, and any “complaints” I may have are either “nice-to-haves” or issues the company is already addressing as they grow. Half the battle of keeping God’s word at the forefront of our lives is being innovative in how we do it – and this product helps believers meet that challenge head on.


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