Working Mom Spotlight: Jocelin T. McElderry


Name: Jocelin T. McElderry

Occupation: Retired RN of 37 years

Number of kids: A 36-year-old adult and an 18-year-old grandchild

Favorite candy bar: HERSHEY’S with Almonds and Milk Duds

Where do you work, and what is a typical workday like for you? I currently have a couple of businesses that I am growing and running. One of them is JTR Consulting, LLC. And it depends on the day - there is no typical workday.

Share some of your goals – personal or professional.  My goal is to meet as many people as I can while I am alive! I desire to live full and die empty...using EVERY gift that God has placed inside of me! Leading as many people to Christ as I can while on Earth. My other goal is to create multiple streams of income to leave a legacy for my children’s children by leaving businesses and real estate.

What motivates you to work? God, and seeing people excel in their God-given gifts and talents. Seeing people come to CHRIST is very motivating.

How do you like to relax?  I relax by watching movies, going out to eat at new restaurants and traveling.

What is your favorite part of motherhood? 

Realizing that I taught my child so much more than I thought - and she retained it!

What does Restored mean to you? How has it impacted you personally? 

Restored helped me PUSH outside of my comfort zone. I have enjoyed myself at events I have been able to attend. Restored has encouraged me to be a good disciple and allows me to connect with women in all walks of life. I LOVE the ladies, and I am grateful to share wisdom nuggets and be an encouragement to them.


What is one of your favorite Restored events to date? Why is it your favorite?

My first Restored event I attended was Maghon Taylor’s Table Talk. I loved it! I got the chance to be apart of the recent Bible study that I enjoyed so much, and it left me feeling so fulfilled.

Can you share how you overcome challenges related to the “mom chaos” that settles in when you feel pulled in 100 directions?

I am so blessed that I no longer have that as a concern, BUT I can be a resource and ENCOURAGER to the moms that are!!

Besides your faith and family, what are you passionate about? 

I am passionate about LOVING on people!!


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