Working Mom Spotlight: Kristin Frade

Name: Krisitn Frade

Occupation: Executive Coach

Number of kids: 3

Favorite candy bar: Ooooh, Twix probably or Carmello

Tell us about your family, and what’s your childcare solution?

I have a husband and three kids. He watches them the majority of the day, and I have them when he works. We divide and conquer. :)

Where do you work, and what is a typical workday like for you? 

 I work with Novus Global, an executive coaching firm. I work remotely from my home office (upstairs office with a door that locks, ha!). Now that school has started, my mornings consist of packing lunches, getting kids dressed and out the door. I love getting my workout in before starting my work hours if I can. A typical day would be heading up to my office by 10 a.m. and hosting coaching sessions or meetings sprinkled throughout the day until about 4 or 5 p.m. I love the flexibility of coming downstairs in between sessions for quick visits or snacks with the fam! I am pretty much in mom mode from then until after bedtime. You will often get a late night email from me as this night-owl sneaks in a bit more uninterrupted work time at night. :)

Share some of your goals – personal or professional. 

My professional goal is to step into a bigger role with my firm as I believe the impact they are having is the very tip of the iceberg for what they are capable of, and I want to help move that along in a BIG way! They also have a sport-specific coaching arm that I am looking to do more with. I would also love to step onto bigger stages as speaking and training is one of the pieces of my business that brings me the most joy!

Personally, my family and I are starting the very initial stages of understanding what it may look like to adopt! If I am being honest, that is a bit scary to even write, but I believe it’s something we’ve been called to, so we are following the breadcrumbs God is leaving for us :) Also, I turn 40 early next year, and my goal is to be the fittest I have ever been. I am still defining what that really means, because I do love a glass of wine or a cookie (or four) here and there! ;)

What motivates you to work?

I am purpose driven. I have seen what coaching can do for people, their relationships, for their own motivation to work, etc. This is a career where I am fully using my gifts and talents, and I think when people are able to do that, it’s a game changer.

How do you like to relax? 

I am naturally an introvert, so relaxing to me is actually doing something (almost anything) by myself. I like to go out shopping without an agenda. Facials are the best! Sometimes I even just go for a run or walk and listen to podcasts. Also, is it weird to say that having my house professionally cleaned is better than having a massage???

What is your favorite part of motherhood?

I don’t know if anything will beat cuddles for me. I will say, now that as my kids get older, it is really fun to watch their decision making skills develop and how they learn things. When I feel truly proud of them for something they did on their own, it is just a special feeling.

What does Restored mean to you? How has it impacted you personally? 

I 100% believe in what Restored is about. I was not created to be a stay at home mom. I love working, and it took me awhile to not feel guilty about that. Working brings me fulfillment just like being a mom does…it’s fulfilling in different ways. To have something like Restored recognize that, cater to that and help us along on BOTH sides of the equation is powerful.

What is one of your favorite Restored events to date? Why is it your favorite?

I really enjoyed going to the Enneagram Table Talk. I am an assessment nerd. So I love learning about enneagram, especially from different people and their perspectives.

Can you share how you overcome challenges related to the “mom chaos” that settles in when you feel pulled in 100 directions?

When I am really in the thick of my emotions, honestly, the thing that works best for me is literally saying the name of Jesus out loud. It instantly calms me down when I don’t think anything else could. I am getting better at sensing when I am close to that “loss of control” feeing and I have recognized that a big part of that is allowing myself space to recharge (introvert over here!). It really does affect me and how I parent. The other thing is that I prioritize things and commit to the things that matter most. I have learned to let a lot go. I attribute a lot of this to receiving coaching myself and really asking God for more direction on what His will is.

Besides your faith and family, what are you passionate about? 

I sing on our worship team and love my church family. I love all things sports, have learned to really enjoy working out and I have a love for traveling.


How We're Moving Forward


WRAL: Trying to have it all? Remember, moms, it doesn't have to happen all at once