WRAL: Best Raleigh area indoor play places for kids while parents work

Stephanie Llorente, owner of Restored, is a regular contributor to the WRAL-TV Go Ask Mom blog where she writes about relevant topics for working moms. We repost that content here.

One of the epic struggles of a working mom is finding space to work when kids are home. Work doesn’t stop for teacher workdays, holiday breaks, summer or even Covid exposures. Deadlines don’t disappear on snow days or take the day off for remote learning.

So, moms (and dads, too) are required to sneak in a few hours of work here and there to keep their career moving while simultaneously feeding/chauffeuring/snuggling/schooling/entertaining their kids. It’s a lot for anyone to handle. Fortunately, the Raleigh area has some great spaces for parents to let kids play while we knock out a few hours of computer work.

Thanks to life experience and a social media survey of Restored moms, I’m sharing a few “productive play” spaces below:


Working Mom Spotlight: Nikki Stevens


WRAL: Back to Work