Restored Events for July

July is a whirlwind month. Summer is in full swing; the kids are home from school, and everyone is on vacation. It can be a challenge for moms to find time for themselves. Motherhood is a journey; only we moms share the unique experiences and challenges it brings. While our spouses, family members, and friends can offer love and support, our mom friends truly understand, creating a sense of community and connection that we all crave.

Restored has several ways for working moms to connect during July. These events offer opportunities for connection, growth and relationship building.

July Events

Coworking Club

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | 9:00 AM 12:00 PM

What to Expect: Coworking Club is a casual way to be socially productive. We meet monthly at Blush Cowork for three hours and work at the same table. Our designated table is usually marked to help people find us, and we typically have several women joining us. Members are welcome to stay for as long or as little as they like. Blush Cowork provides several meeting spaces in case someone needs to have a private meeting or take a break from the group's chatter. The coworking days are free, thanks to Blush, and although Restored moms are intentionally gathered from 9 a.m. to noon, many leave for lunch. However, all are welcome to stay for the entire workday. The atmosphere is very informal – some attendees come in workout clothes because it's their work-from-home day, while others are dressed for work because they may have meetings afterward. It's a nice change of scenery from the usual workspace for a bit…and it's all free! The only expenses are childcare if needed, and snacks, which are available for purchase at Blush. If you need childcare, be sure to let Blush know in advance of the coworking day.


Restored Business Leadership: Vision Casting & Revenue Planning

Friday, July 19, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

What to Expect: Women in leadership will want to attend the new Restored Business Leadership series, starting July 9th at Blush Cowork. This series will be a valuable investment in your leadership journey. The first session is priced at only $10 and will explore vision, mission, and values statements, as well as the crucial aspect of revenue planning. You will gain insights into why it matters and how to do it effectively. This session is tailored for leaders like you who did not major in business or sales strategies but are eager to learn and grow.

Attendees can bring and eat their lunch while our guest speakers, Chris and Stephanie Llorente, share their expertise and experience in business leadership. There will be an opportunity for questions and advice at the end of the session if time allows.

This session is part of a six-part series on Business Leadership designed specifically for female business owners, entrepreneurs or team leaders.


Restored Happy Hour

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 | 5:30 PM 6:30 PM

What to Expect: Join other working moms at Triangle Wine Company, located at 575 New Waverly Pl Suite 103-B Cary, for an hour of decompression after a busy workday. Connect with like-minded women, purchase a glass of your favorite wine (or water), and make a new friend. Happy Hour provides a relaxing respite after a long day and is a great way to connect with women balancing work and motherhood. The calm atmosphere and companionship of friends offers a peaceful setting to forget about work or other concerns.

This informal event is free to attend, but attendees will need to purchase their own drinks. Registration is requested because space is limited.

Jessica Lieb

Jessica has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips. Jessica is also an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips.

New Business Leadership Development Series for Working Moms


Activities to Keep Your Tween or Teen Busy During Summer Break