Summer Screen-Time Rules

Creating a summer routine to avoid screen time battles

by Jessica Lieb

Kids love summer break. They love no homework, family vacations, and days spent playing with friends. Summer is a time of unstructured play for kids, free from school demands.

It’s OK to allow kids to spend extra time on their devices in the summer. There are many benefits to children using technology. Devices provide entertainment, educational opportunities, and a way for kids to stay connected with friends. However, free time shouldn’t mean endless hours spent on tablets, playing video games, or watching television. 

Kids thrive with a routine, so creating screen time rules will help your family thrive this summer.

Set Clear Rules and Boundaries

Kids need to know what is expected of them. Set clear rules about how much time they can spend on their devices, which apps they can use, and when they can use them.

Sit down as a family and create a Screen Time Family Plan that works for everyone.

Responsibilities Come First

Before kids can access their screens, it’s a good idea to create a checklist of responsibilities they must complete first. A checklist may include things like chores, reading, or playing outside. 

When kids have a set list of responsibilities, they know what to expect, making your day smoother. Even though summer is a time of relaxation, a simple routine will help prevent meltdowns and arguments.

Give Kids Healthy Alternatives

Encourage children to try alternative activities like reading, art,  or playing outside. If your children have difficulty finding screen-free activities, plan specific activities for each day. Also, building screen time into your daily schedule makes transitional easier. 

Creating a daily schedule with dedicated screen time can prevent your children from constantly asking when they can play on their devices. Thoughtfully place screen activities into your schedule. Plan your outdoor activities for the morning and save screen time for the hottest part of the day. 

Create Screen-Free Zones

Designate specific areas in your home, like the dinner table or the bedroom, as tech-free zones. This will encourage your child to engage in other activities and limit their screen time. 

Establishing screen-free areas and times of day will help children learn moderation. Use device-free times to spend time together as a family. Enjoy the slower pace of summer and let your kids get a taste of what summer was like when you were a kid.

Use Parental Controls

Many devices and apps have parental control settings that allow you to set time limits and monitor your child's device activity. Use these tools to help maintain your family’s screen time rules. Set app limits and downtime to ensure children don’t exceed their allotted screen time for the day. 

Be Gracious With Yourself

There will be days when even your best plans fail. Give yourself grace. Remember, you are human, and it’s OK if the kids need to watch several episodes of Bluey so you can take a minute to enjoy your coffee in relative calm. 

Since God gives us grace, which is kindness and forgiveness that we don't deserve, we can also give ourselves grace.

About Jessica Lieb

Jessica Lieb is the founder and editor of B Honest Media, a site that guides parents to entertainment, technology, parenting, and more. She enjoys helping parents navigate parenting in a digital world. Her goal is to guide and equip confident digital parents.


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