Summer as a Mom: A Guide to Not Just Surviving, but Thriving

by Jessica Lieb

Summer for parents with kids often involves signing them up for camp and coordinating schedules when both parents work. It can be stressful, chaotic, and seem downright impossible, but it doesn’t have to be.

Establish a routine and schedule that works for your family to make your summer more enjoyable and less stressful. It's important to find a rhythm that works for your family—for instance, setting a regular bedtime for the kids, planning family activities on weekends, or having a designated screen time each day. While every family is unique and may not follow the same approach, these ideas may help you find a rhythm that suits your family.

When moms are thriving, it positively influences the entire household. It's crucial to remember that your well-being is important. Despite the inevitable moments of survival mode, we don't have to feel trapped by them.

Create a Routine

Kids are used to the structured routines of school, so it's beneficial to plan a flexible summer schedule. You don't need to plan every hour, but leaving some time for free play and rest is important. A well-structured plan can help kids learn new activities and manage their behavior. It also reduces conflicts, making parents feel more in control. Even though summer brings about changes in routines, it's still beneficial to have a regular rhythm to follow for stability.

Set Goals

When setting goals, ask your kids what they want to learn, do, and accomplish over summer break. Incorporate their ideas into your summer schedule. For example, one child may want to learn a new craft while another may want to visit a museum. Plan your weekly activities to meet their expectations - and yours too. Knowing their goals helps outline the summer days, making it feel like their special time and giving them something to look forward to.

Set Realistic Expectations

Remember, as a mom, we often have unrealistic expectations. Try letting go of these to thrive this summer. Ask yourself, what would an ideal summer day look like? Be realistic and write it down. Then, figure out what you need to do to make it happen. Proactive planning is vital to a fulfilling summer.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Summer is a time for unique experiences. It's futile to compare our summer to someone else's, as their circumstances differ. Some may have travel plans, while others have local adventures. Wishing for a different summer only hinders our ability to thrive. Instead, let's learn to be content in our seasons, as it's the key to a fulfilling summer.

Plan Ahead

Are you familiar with feeling too tired to follow through with the fun activities that you've planned? To avoid this, pre-plan and pack for outings like weekend trips, play dates, and pool visits. If you have older children, consider assigning the task of packing to them. Provide them with a packing list and give them the responsibility of gathering the items. Being prepared for spontaneous fun can lead to some great adventures.

Focus on What’s In Front of You

Many of us can feel anxious or overwhelmed during the summer. There's a lot of uncertainty about what the fall will bring, and worries can quickly get out of hand. We could spend the whole summer worrying about what might happen or pause and concentrate on what's happening right now.

Rely on God

Remember, you're not expected to do everything alone. We all need God's help every day. Make it a priority to connect with God daily and seek His strength and guidance throughout the summer. While it may not always be practical to spend hours reading the Bible, as a mom, you can find solace in prayer and reading a verse here and there.

Prioritize Rest

It's important to make time for rest. As mothers, we can easily become overwhelmed with all of our responsibilities. However, it's crucial to prioritize rest. Taking a break isn't selfish; it's necessary for our well-being. This might involve saying no to certain activities or events. It could also mean taking a break from work to simply relax.

Jessica Lieb

Jessica has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips. Jessica is also an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips.

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